Own your Story book

Own your Story Book

Nicola Paull has been in the Well-Being Industry for over 15 years and has helped many people change their lives through private sessions, spiritual workshops, newsletters and public speaking. Her goal is to show people how to  ‘own their own story’

Nicola’s recently published book is an interactive ‘How to Guidebook’ for anyone who might be searching for new ways to change their life.

How this book works

Are you are feeling lost and lacking motivation? Are you are looking for new ways to structure your daily routine?

In this fresh approach to self-empowerment, ‘Own Your Story’ will teach you how to identify your past habits by intensifying your internal vibrations, unravelling any restrictions that have been preventing you from moving forward, revealing new energy.

This book has been crafted into seven phases, hand-picked by Nicola who would like to inspire you to:

  • Isolate one of your problem areas such as finance, relationships, health and self-love
  • Give mindful focus to your chosen area through tried-and-tested techniques
  • Set an achievable time line for your intentions to be fulfilled
  • Gain clarity and insight through journaling and reflection
  • Break down unmanageable emotions and trauma

After completing this guidebook, you will become less overwhelmed, through a new sense of enlightenment, the tools learnt from this book will clearly guide you on how to ‘Own Your Story’.

Call today: 07581 044 919


“Own Your Story” is not just a book; it is a transformative journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. By intensifying your inner vibrations and identifying your past habits, you can break free from self-limiting beliefs and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. I invite you to embark on this journey with me and take the first step towards owning your story. Remember, the power to shape your destiny lies within you.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of “Own Your Story.” I hope these testimonials have piqued your interest and inspired you to dive deeper into the world of self-development and self-empowerment. Together, let’s embrace our true potential and create a life that we truly deserve.

Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been using the journalling process in my book, which has been helping me with finding focus much better”

Carla Hall, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“My book has helped me to deal with past traumas in a more positive and accepting way”

John Ball, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been using my book to find my long lost relative, by tapping into my past traumas and realising that I have been feeling lonely, I have now found new family members”

Zena Clarke, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“Since purchasing my book, I have been able to change past habits which I have been holding me back in my life, I now feel a sense of empowerment”

Deb DuVall, New Zealand
Testimonial Own your Story

“Journalling has always been a bit confusing for me, but since I have been using my book, Nicola explains the journalling process in a simple way”

Daniela Graf, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been practicing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and I must say I am feeling better everyday, more confident and positive”

Becky Bowker, Wales
Testimonial Own your Story

“Guided Meditation has really change my mental health, I have been using the practical exercises in my book and have noticed my mind feels clearer”

Justine Cavell, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been focusing on Chakra Balancing in my book, Nicola explains this process in very simple steps, my body is feeling a lot lighter emotionally”

Jackie, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been inspired by Setting intentions and following them through with outstanding results”

June, Hampshire
Testimonial Own your Story

“I have been focusing on Self-Love which is one of the sections in the book, Nicola explains how ‘tapping’ which is Emotional Freedom Techniques – (EFT) can support my vibrational energy to flow free and unblock any areas which I have been holding onto”

Ann Fielding, Hampshire

Book Launch

Own your Story

Own your Story – Book Launch Nicola held an event promoting her new book – Self-Help Guidebook

Podcast Interview – Own your Story by Nicola Paull

Get to the know the Author on a more deeper level, the reasons behind her ‘WHY’ when writing Own your Story. Hear about her personal journey leading up to the moment when she discovered her real reason for becoming a Spiritual Teacher and Author.