Events and Workshops

Call today 07581044919

Duration: 40 minutes

Objective: To provide participants with practical and interactive activities centered around guided meditation for the mind, essential oils for the body, and spiritual healing for the soul.

Materials Needed:
– Comfortable seating arrangements
– Guided meditation audio or script
– Essential oils (a variety of scents)
– Diffuser or cotton balls for oil application
– Relaxing background music
– Paper and pens for reflection exercises

Workshop Outline:

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Welcome participants and provide a brief overview of the workshop’s objectives.
– Explain the importance of holistic wellness and the connection between the mind, body, and soul.

2. Guided Meditation for the Mind (15 minutes)
– Begin by guiding participants through a relaxation exercise, encouraging them to find a comfortable seated position.
– Play a pre-recorded guided meditation audio or read a meditation script, focusing on calming the mind and promoting mental clarity.
– Allow participants to experience a few moments of silence after the meditation to reflect on their experience.

3. Essential Oils for the Body (10 minutes)
– Introduce the concept of using essential oils for physical well-being.
– Explain the benefits of different essential oils and their effects on the body.
– Pass around a selection of essential oils for participants to smell and experience.
– Demonstrate how to apply essential oils using a diffuser or cotton balls.
– Encourage participants to choose an oil that resonates with them and apply it to their pulse points or palms.

4. Spiritual Healing for the Soul (10 minutes)
– Discuss the importance of spiritual well-being and its impact on overall wellness.
– Guide participants through a brief reflection exercise, asking them to identify any areas of their lives that may need healing or nurturing.
– Encourage participants to write down their reflections and insights on paper.
– Offer suggestions for further spiritual exploration, such as journaling, nature walks, or connecting with a supportive community.

5. Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)
– Summarise the key points covered in the workshop.
– Open the floor for any questions or concerns from participants.
– Provide additional resources or recommendations for further exploration of mind, body, and soul wellness.

Note: It is important to create a safe and inclusive environment during the workshop. Respect participants’ boundaries and ensure that any activities or discussions are optional and non-intrusive.

An Immersive Journey through Sound Therapy, Guided Meditation, Spiritual Healing.

(Optional – 1/2 a day or a full day)

1. Introduction and Welcome:
– Nicola will begin the event by welcoming the participants and providing a brief overview of the day’s activities.
– Set the intention for the event, emphasizing the focus on spiritual healing, meditation, and sound therapy.

2. Opening Meditation:
– Nicola will start with a guided meditation to help participants relax and center themselves.
– Use soothing music or nature sounds to create a calming atmosphere.

3. Spiritual Healing Workshop:
– Nicola will conduct a workshop on spiritual healing techniques, such as energy healing, chakra balancing, or Rahanni.
– Provide demonstrations and practical exercises for participants to experience and learn these techniques.

4. Group Meditation Session:
– Nicola will lead a group meditation session focused on inner peace, mindfulness, or connecting with higher consciousness.
– Use gentle guidance and calming music to enhance the meditative experience.

5. Sound Therapy Session:
– Nicola will Introduce a sound therapy session using instruments like singing bowls and tibetan chimes.
– Explain the healing properties of sound and how it can promote relaxation and balance.
– Allow participants to experience the vibrations and harmonizing effects of the chosen instruments.

6. Break and Refreshments: (Additional cost if Nicola is providing this part of the event)
– Provide a break for participants to rest, hydrate, and socialize.
– Offer light refreshments like herbal tea, infused water, or healthy snacks to support their well-being.

7. Guided Visualization Exercise:
– Nicola will be conducting a guided visualization exercise to help participants tap into their inner wisdom and manifest positive intentions.
– Use descriptive language and calming background music to enhance the visualization experience.

8. Sharing Circle:
– This session is to create a safe and supportive space for participants to share their experiences, insights, and reflections from the day’s activities.
– Encourage active listening and respect for each participant’s perspective.

9. Closing Ceremony:
– Nicola will then conclude the event with a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude for the shared experience and the participants’ presence.
– Offer a final meditation or prayer to bring a sense of closure and unity.

10. Follow-up Resources:
– Nicola will provide participants with resources, such as recommended books, websites, or local practitioners, to further explore spiritual healing, meditation, and sound therapy.

Please note: To adapt this plan based on the specific needs and preferences of the participants, we must ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone involved.

Events and workshops focused on mind, body, soul, and personal development play a crucial role in supporting an individual’s overall well-being and internal vibrational growth. These gatherings of people, provide a platform for individuals to explore and enhance their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and spirituality. By participating in such events, individuals can gain valuable insights, tools, and techniques to foster and cultivate a harmonious balance between their mind, body, and soul.

These events often feature a variety of activities and sessions tailored to address different aspects of personal growth. Workshops may include meditation practices, mindfulness exercises, energy healing techniques, and discussions on topics such as self-love, self-care, and self-discovery. These activities are designed to help individuals connect with their inner selves, release stress and negative emotions, and develop a deeper understanding of their own needs and desires.

Nicola’s events and workshops will focus on benefitting the individual, whether that be in mind, body, soul, or all three.

Firstly, a supportive and nurturing environment will be provided, where individuals can connect with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. This welcoming community can foster a sense of belonging and provide a support system for personal growth journeys.

Secondly, Nicola will provide guidance, knowledge, and practical tools to support individuals in their personal growth journey. Participants can learn new techniques to manage stress, improve their mental and emotional well-being, and develop a positive mindset.

Furthermore, these events offer individuals an opportunity to step out of their daily routines and immerse themselves in a focused and intentional environment. This break from the usual distractions allows individuals to reflect, recharge, and gain clarity on their life’s purpose and direction. By dedicating time and energy to personal development, individuals can prioritise their well-being and make positive changes in their lives.

In summary, events and workshops centered around mind, body, and soul are invaluable resources for individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being and internal vibrational growth. By participating in these gatherings, individuals can gain insights, tools, and support to develop their self-awareness, and cultivate a harmonious balance between their mind, body, and soul.

Call today 07581044919

Why work with me in person:

Nicola has held many public speaking events to share her insights, expertise, and teachings with a wider audience. She often delivers informative and engaging presentations, discussing various aspects of spiritual healing, guided meditation, and holistic therapies. These events aim to educate and inspire attendees, providing them with valuable information and tools to enhance their well-being and spiritual growth.

Another type of group setting that Nicola enjoys doing are workshops, which offer a more interactive and immersive experience for participants. These workshops provide hands-on training, practical exercises, and personalised guidance. Participants have the opportunity to learn and practice various techniques related to spiritual healing, guided meditation, and holistic therapies. These workshops often focus on fostering personal growth, self-awareness, and overall well-being.

Nicola is well-versed in a wide range of holistic approaches, drawing from diverse traditions and practices. They may incorporate elements such as energy healing, chakra balancing, mindfulness, sound therapy, and more. The aim is to create a supportive and transformative environment where participants can explore and experience the benefits of these practices firsthand.

Overall, public speaking events and workshops in the realm of spiritual healing, guided meditation, and holistic therapies provide individuals with opportunities to deepen their understanding, cultivate inner peace, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. These events are designed to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being and embrace a holistic approach to health and spirituality.

What’s included in the Workshop:

Mind, Body & Soul Wellness

  • Mind:  Audio playlist or script

  • Body: Essential oils (variety)

  • Soul: Paper and pens for reflection exercises

  • Groups: (minimum 15)

What’s included in the Event:

Harmony and Healing

  • Mind: Audio playlist or script

  • Body: Spiritual healing

  • Soul: Sound therapy

  • Groups: (minimum 20)  

What happens next:

Following a call, the in person Workshop or Event you choose will then be price structured and a tailor-made questionnaire will be sent with any additional requirements and completed. The next stage will be communicating with each other to finalise and any further questions before the big day.

Duration: 40 minutes

Objective: To provide participants with practical and interactive activities centered around guided meditation for the mind, essential oils for the body, and spiritual healing for the soul.

Materials Needed:
– Comfortable seating arrangements
– Guided meditation audio or script
– Essential oils (a variety of scents)
– Diffuser or cotton balls for oil application
– Relaxing background music
– Paper and pens for reflection exercises

Workshop Outline:

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Welcome participants and provide a brief overview of the workshop’s objectives.
– Explain the importance of holistic wellness and the connection between the mind, body, and soul.

2. Guided Meditation for the Mind (15 minutes)
– Begin by guiding participants through a relaxation exercise, encouraging them to find a comfortable seated position.
– Play a pre-recorded guided meditation audio or read a meditation script, focusing on calming the mind and promoting mental clarity.
– Allow participants to experience a few moments of silence after the meditation to reflect on their experience.

3. Essential Oils for the Body (10 minutes)
– Introduce the concept of using essential oils for physical well-being.
– Explain the benefits of different essential oils and their effects on the body.
– Pass around a selection of essential oils for participants to smell and experience.
– Demonstrate how to apply essential oils using a diffuser or cotton balls.
– Encourage participants to choose an oil that resonates with them and apply it to their pulse points or palms.

4. Spiritual Healing for the Soul (10 minutes)
– Discuss the importance of spiritual well-being and its impact on overall wellness.
– Guide participants through a brief reflection exercise, asking them to identify any areas of their lives that may need healing or nurturing.
– Encourage participants to write down their reflections and insights on paper.
– Offer suggestions for further spiritual exploration, such as journaling, nature walks, or connecting with a supportive community.

5. Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)
– Summarise the key points covered in the workshop.
– Open the floor for any questions or concerns from participants.
– Provide additional resources or recommendations for further exploration of mind, body, and soul wellness.

Note: It is important to create a safe and inclusive environment during the workshop. Respect participants’ boundaries and ensure that any activities or discussions are optional and non-intrusive.

An Immersive Journey through Sound Therapy, Guided Meditation, Spiritual Healing.

(Optional – 1/2 a day or a full day)

1. Introduction and Welcome:
– Nicola will begin the event by welcoming the participants and providing a brief overview of the day’s activities.
– Set the intention for the event, emphasizing the focus on spiritual healing, meditation, and sound therapy.

2. Opening Meditation:
– Nicola will start with a guided meditation to help participants relax and center themselves.
– Use soothing music or nature sounds to create a calming atmosphere.

3. Spiritual Healing Workshop:
– Nicola will conduct a workshop on spiritual healing techniques, such as energy healing, chakra balancing, or Rahanni.
– Provide demonstrations and practical exercises for participants to experience and learn these techniques.

4. Group Meditation Session:
– Nicola will lead a group meditation session focused on inner peace, mindfulness, or connecting with higher consciousness.
– Use gentle guidance and calming music to enhance the meditative experience.

5. Sound Therapy Session:
– Nicola will Introduce a sound therapy session using instruments like singing bowls and tibetan chimes.
– Explain the healing properties of sound and how it can promote relaxation and balance.
– Allow participants to experience the vibrations and harmonizing effects of the chosen instruments.

6. Break and Refreshments: (Additional cost if Nicola is providing this part of the event)
– Provide a break for participants to rest, hydrate, and socialize.
– Offer light refreshments like herbal tea, infused water, or healthy snacks to support their well-being.

7. Guided Visualization Exercise:
– Nicola will be conducting a guided visualization exercise to help participants tap into their inner wisdom and manifest positive intentions.
– Use descriptive language and calming background music to enhance the visualization experience.

8. Sharing Circle:
– This session is to create a safe and supportive space for participants to share their experiences, insights, and reflections from the day’s activities.
– Encourage active listening and respect for each participant’s perspective.

9. Closing Ceremony:
– Nicola will then conclude the event with a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude for the shared experience and the participants’ presence.
– Offer a final meditation or prayer to bring a sense of closure and unity.

10. Follow-up Resources:
– Nicola will provide participants with resources, such as recommended books, websites, or local practitioners, to further explore spiritual healing, meditation, and sound therapy.

Please note: To adapt this plan based on the specific needs and preferences of the participants, we must ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone involved.