Now if you are thinking, there is something in your life that you might be looking at changing in yourself but are struggling to stay on track with, I am here to tell you that you don’t have to do it alone, because who wants to do that anyway.

Take a look at this condensed version of ‘Own your Story’ 3 month programme guidebook which I hope will give you some clarity and purpose in potentially taking the big leap forward in your life which you deserve. I will guide you through an awakening process, teaching you how to tap into your conscious and subconscious mind with approved tools that support your mind, body, and soul. A one-to-one mentoring process with myself, Nicola Paull, giving you the confidence to own your own story and write it as you wish.

Why work with me:

I am a spiritual guide and teacher. Within this programme, I will bring over 15 years of expert guidance to you delivered on a 1:1 basis.

As your accountability partner, I share techniques that will help you work on yourself, both during and after your programme has finished with me You will learn how to unlock parts of your conscious mind, involving soul energy work and body sensory feelings which may be holding you back.

Whats included in your Empowering YOU: Signature Gifts:

  • Mind: A tailor-made audio playlist
  • Body: 1x Essential oil
  • Soul: 1x Crystal

  • Guidebook: 48 pages ‘Own your Story’

The programme:

Discovering your emotional block; 7 sessions

Following a discovery call, the programme will be structured on a fortnightly basis. A tailor-made questionnaire will be sent and completed.

Each session will include a one hour recorded meeting using Goggle Meet or Zoom video conferencing, and this programme includes ongoing communication and emails (weekdays only 10am – 3pm). A Calendly link will be provided to book sessions.

We start at the beginning, diving into the emotional traumas or negative beliefs you have been holding onto. I will begin to gain understanding and clarity as to your situation and your emotions.

In this session, we explore the welcome gift using practical techniques and deep thought vibrational work. We start to set intentions with the aim to improve your mind, body and soul (i.e. Chakra balancing, guided meditation, EFT, crystal energy work, and more).

In this sitting, we go back through sessions one and two to gain further insight into what has been learned so far and decide together the best steps forward.

Here we will start to track your past habits by intensifying your vibrations through guided meditation or EFT. I will show you how to focus and shield out any unwanted ‘noise’.

In this meeting, we will further explore session four. I will use the smells and senses of the aromatherapy essential oil to show you how to endure the benefits this can have on your mind, body and soul.

By the end of this session six, you will have found clarity around your emotional blocks. I will guide you with a clear purpose using practical exercises (guided meditation, EFT or chakra balancing); you will gain inspiration and a clear direction with an end goal in sight.

In session seven, we will reflect back on the whole programme to see how far you have come, review your journaling journey from the start.

At this stage, you will have the opportunity to ask specific questions about your mind, body, and soul that might need a little more attention. You will leave session seven with a positive mindset to ‘own your story’.

How do you pay:

The ‘Own Your Story’ mentorship will be delivered over seven 1:1 sessions over three months. The programme will cost £749, this can be paid in one full payment or made as three individual payments of £250 each. Please enquire using the button below about paying in instalments. Click the ‘book now’ button to be taken to our shop page where you can add this course to your basket and checkout.