Project Description
#001 Chloe Slade
#001 Chloe Slade
Episode One of The Nicola Paull Approach, my name is Nicola Paull and I am going to be your host for this uplifting and inspirational episode and joining me today for a special guest appearance and someone I am super excited to welcome onto the show is a social media (vibe_and_flow) influencer and money mindset ‘GURU’, in my eyes, anyway. She is the author of 90 Day Manifestation Journal and the Co-Founder of Vibe and Flow and also has a podcast show called “Grow with the Flow” just to name a few, and in this episode, we are going to talk a little bit about how she has come to where she is today? And also some topics on Money Mindset Rituals and the process of the 90 Day Manifestation Journal.