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Key Learning Points

This masterclass will begin by Nicola explaining what EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) means. The purpose of the practice will be discussed through learning how EFT works.

All negative emotions are felt through a disruption of the body’s energy. Physical pain and disease are intricately connected to negative emotions, these emotions create feedback which often manifest into physical symptoms. So, the body’s health must be approached as a whole. You cannot treat the physical symptoms without addressing the cause – negative emotions.

Within your 1:1 session I will show you how to tap into maintaining your mental focus on whichever issue we will be working on, by using your fingertips to tap 5-7 times each on 12 of the body’s meridian points.

Why should I take this masterclass?

If you want to learn how to accept and resolve negative emotions and be restored to a balanced state.  

Introduction to your masterclass

Once purchased a member of staff will contact you to discuss the process of how this class works.