I am a Spiritual Guide & Teacher who works through Mind, Body & Soul vibrational changes.

Try this guided meditation to initiate your unconscious mindset…

I’ve wanted to create inspiring practices for people who are feeling a little stuck in moving forward within their mindset.

I personally find that doing a Guided Meditation like this is super powerful. If you have been struggling to set goals or just not sure where to start, doing this Guided Meditation will really help you connect with your higher self and create goals that will resonate with you on a deeper level of emotions. The good thing about this practice is you can repeat the process regularly; I would recommend practising when you’re at your most relaxed in your mind, morning or evening, whichever one suits you, mine is first thing in the morning, before I even start my day, as I feel it then recharges my energy moving forward for the day ahead. I would suggest having a notebook and pen to hand, so you can write down thoughts and feelings after each time you practice this.

Let’s start the meditation. Find a quiet, comfortable space, somewhere you will have no distractions, a place where you feel safe and relaxed, whether you want to sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, spine straight, shoulders relaxed, or lying on your bed with the same posture, whichever way you feel comfortable, slowly close your eyes, allow your thoughts to enter into your mind, for just a minute or so.

As we go through the breath  work, you will slowly start to visualise in your mind’s eye, your thoughts drifting away into the distance until they disappear, and you can no longer feel those thoughts.

So, with that being said, let’s try this process and go with whatever it is you’re feeling right now.

Take a breath in through your nose, feeling the air entering down through the back of your throat….. and then release your breath gently out of your mouth…… let’s repeat this process two more times, and in your own time.

At this stage of the practice, it’s now time to Activate Your Imagination in preparation for your own personal journey moving forward in the coming months.

Let me take you on a visualisation journey of who it is you really want to be, to feel calm and centred in your life at all times, know exactly what it is you truly desire, whether that’s to better your Mind, Body or Soul, or all three aspects.

Let’s set your intention. What is your purpose for this practice right now? What would it look like? Feel like? Your desires for this intention? Take a few moments now to feel, breathe, absorb and activate your imagination…

It’s time now to feel your new intentions on a soul level; I like to call it our dream state of mind, to dream of our desires and inspirations in our lives can help towards manifesting these into reality, so now we are going to try this process and go into a dream state of mind, what do you see in your mind’s eye? Try to activate this intention to physically feel it in your body, skin, your heart; what emotion does this make you feel? Take a few moments to absorb this new state of mind…

Repeat this process as often as you can, as over time, your old thought habits, which have been part of you, will re-set into new parts of your neuropathy brain waves. You might experience some resistance at first that this process is very normal, trust the process, be kind to yourself and enjoy the new you.

Write down how this session made you feel? Name one thing that you will take action on? How will you achieve this new intention?

If it’s something you feel would benefit you, then head on over to my Podcast Show for the full version of this Solo Episode 15 here

Love & Light

Nicola x